MTP Kit in Saudi Arabia UAE Riyadh Buy Abortion Pill Online


It is understood that Cipla MTP Kit is abortion pills available in Saudi Arabia mostly called as MTP kit or The Abortion pill, combination of two salts Mifepristone and Misoprostol are consumed with in the space of 12 hrs… always worked if you will take empty stomach.

Both tablets perform different functions leading to removal of fetal debris from womb.

Mifepristone: Anti-progesterone function of Mifepristone causes uterine lining to break and depart the fetus from life support attachment. Once the fetus separates, the pregnancy parts also stop growing, and the womb is readied to oust the contents. The cervix begins to become wider, and uterus contracts.

Misoprostol : Administration of Misoprostol make the uterus contract time and again. The contractions could be mild or strong according to the length of pregnancy. The medicine is known for causing ultimate expelling of the pregnancy contents out of the body. Heavy bleeding and cramping begin, and large blood clots are passed out of vagina with fetal remains.

Why to buy two MTP Kits in Saudi Arabia ?

On, we always recommend buying two MTP Kits in Saudi Arabia. This is due to emergency cases like –

If the pregnancy has matured past 5 weeks, she MAY need two MTP Kits for completing the termination procedure.

If the user consumes one MTP Kit during the procedure, but vomits out pills within 30-45 minutes, or wherein she regurgitates the pills, then she may have to use the other pack.

If the user have extra kit she/he can sell it on social websites with the help of ‘Hashtags’, We’ll provide you clients also.

It is the consumer’s decision, however whether they decide to buy two MTP Kits, we would not be liable for the responsibility of the purchasing decision.

Cipla MTP Kit Dosage

The standard dosage of MTP Kit abortion pills to end pregnancy that is less than 10 weeks old is, 1 tablet Mifepristone (200mg each) used orally with water. Interval of about 24 or 48 hours is given, after which 4 Misoprostol pills (200mcg each) are placed in the cheek pouches. Swallow melted tablets following half an hour. Misoprostol can be administered via vagina as well.

Overdose of Cipla MTP kits

An abortion pills overdose can cause seizures, drowsiness, extreme dizziness, and spasmodic/moderate heartbeats. In case of taking an overdose get in touch with a healthcare provider immediately.

Side Effects

In MTP Kit abortion pills regimen, the expected or intended outcomes are heavy bleeding, and cramping of the uterus which causes abdomen pain. The side effects are harmless, and few of these are: dizziness, headache, nausea, tiredness, diarrhea, vomiting etc.

Precautions and Contraindications:

Women must follow the below-mentioned precautions, before they buy MTP Kit online:

-Make sure you can access emergency care, and return for follow-up visit. You must not be ectopic or extra-uterine pregnant, neither over 35 years age, or more than 10 weeks pregnant.

-The user should not buy MTP Kit if allergic to its medicines. Avoid the medicines in case of kidney, uterus, heart, adrenal gland, liver disorders.

-Do not engage in sports, outdoor activities, physical tasks until complete recovery or at least till the regimen ends.

Breastfeeding During Abortion

Mifepristone being lipophilic compound may be excreted in breast milk, as its hormone is of similar structure. Misoprostol forms acidic components in breast milk. Thus, if you are nursing a child then, abortion pills can cause diarrhea in the infant if he/she is fed breast milk during pregnancy termination Avoid breastfeeding until the medical procedure comes to a successful end with MTP Kit.

BOOK NOW @ +27640211696 in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Cyprus, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, and Egypt.

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